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Страйкбольный автомат E&L ELAK104 AEG Essential Steel (MOSFET VERSION) - EL-A103S

Модель: АВТОМАТ ПНЕВМ. E&L ELAK104 AEG Essential Steel - EL-A103S
Цена: 1008руб.00коп.
В рассрочку: 1108руб.80коп.

Страйкбольный автомат E&L ELAK104 AEG Essential Steel (MOSFET VERSION) - EL-A103S



Производитель: E&L Airsoft (Китай)
Калибр: 6,0 мм (.236)
По принципу действия: AEG (электропневматическое) 
Источник энергии: аккумулятор, AK-type (под крышку ствольной коробки)
Тип гирбокса: Ver. 3
Дульная энергия: до 3 Дж
Боеприпасы: шарики 6 мм
Тип магазина: механический
Емкость магазина: 120
Blowback: нет
Скорость выстрела: 120 м/с
Hop-up: есть, регулируемый
Материал: ABS-пластик, сталь
Режим стрельбы: полуавтоматический / автоматический
Планка Weaver / Picatinny: нет, планка «ласточкин хвост»
Длина: 830 / 695 мм, ствола - 363 мм
Вес: 3350 г
Особенности: складной приклад
Комплектация: привод, магазин 

Replica of the ELAK104 Essential carbine (Mosfet Version)

The legendary E&L brand, whose exquisite replicas of Russian rifles assault rifles (and more!) have won the hearts of airsoft players from all over the world, returns with the E&L Essential series. Replicas from the This line, characterised by a slightly lower price than the previous E&L replicas of this line, while being slightly cheaper than the previous generation, retain all the features that have made the E&L products so successful. E&L products have gained a strong position on the market. These include the following 100% steel, realistic design and construction, robust gearbox and excellent fit. perfect fit.

Best guarantee of realism is the fact that E&L airsoft replicas are assembled in a firearms manufacturing factory, and therefore, some external components are identical to the firearms counterpart and come off the same production line. The manufacturer has taken care of the smallest details to bring its replicas as close as possible to the original.

Carbine features:

- construction in 100% steel, without the use of ZnAl components
- flask, pistol grip, bed and gas tube cap made of polymer plastic  artificially made
- oxidised steel parts
- battery compartment under the breech cover
- side mounting rail for optics
metal hop-up chamber
- full flask folded to the side of the body
- possibility of partial disassembly of the replica, like a flammable counterpart - without tools
- insert magwell spacer,  facilitating magazine change
- steel magazine in boxmid-cap with a capacity of 150 rounds

The V3 gearbox that the E&L Essential replica features the quick-change spring system and a MOSFET circuit. The compact MOSFET chip in the Essencial series replicas provides improved trigger response, ROF and improves system performance even with powerful springs and batteries. The manufacturer tested the chip on a 13.5V LiPo battery battery and an M150 spring.

Additionally inside you will find components such as:

- cylinder made of stainless steel
- polycarbonate  piston with 1 steel tooth
- wear-resistant tappet plate POM
- set 9mm steel bearings
- durable powder steel gears
- steel tongue trigger

Kit does not include battery and charger.

The kit includes:

- replica
- mid-cap magazine
- oiler
- instruction manual
- QC certificate


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